monkey Enlightened
monkey Enlightened
[Go] Đây có phải 1 dạng thừa kế?
type Evidence interface {
	ABCI() []abci.Evidence // forms individual evidence to be sent to the application
	Bytes() []byte         // bytes which comprise the evidence
	Hash() []byte          // hash of the evidence
	Height() int64         // height of the infraction
	String() string        // string format of the evidence
	Time() time.Time       // time of the infraction
	ValidateBasic() error  // basic consistency check

type DuplicateVoteEvidence struct {
	VoteA *Vote `json:"vote_a"`
	VoteB *Vote `json:"vote_b"`

	// abci specific information
	TotalVotingPower int64
	ValidatorPower   int64
	Timestamp        time.Time

var _ Evidence = &DuplicateVoteEvidence{}

Đây là một dạng thừa kế à mọi người?

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monkey Enlightened
monkey Enlightened
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