Anh đang tưởng tượng em có code C# thế này:
public enum GNParameterCode {
public class InfoRequestParam
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field)]
public class StringDataMemberAttribute : Attribute
public GNParameterCode parameterCode;
public int minLength;
public int maxLength;
public bool mustNonNull;
public StringDataMemberAttribute(GNParameterCode parameterCode)
this.parameterCode = parameterCode;
public StringDataMemberAttribute(GNParameterCode parameterCode, int minLength, int maxLength, bool mustNonNull)
this.parameterCode = parameterCode;
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
this.mustNonNull = mustNonNull;
public class AdminLoginByAccountRequestData : LoginByAccountRequestData
[StringDataMember(GNParameterCode.Username, minLength = 6, maxLength = 32, mustNonNull = true)]
public new string username;
public class LoginByAccountRequestData
[StringDataMember(GNParameterCode.Username, minLength = 6, maxLength = 32, mustNonNull = true)]
public string username;
[StringDataMember(GNParameterCode.Password, minLength = 6, maxLength = 64, mustNonNull = true)]
public string password;
[StringDataMember(GNParameterCode.InfoRequestParam, mustNonNull = true)]
public InfoRequestParam infoRequestParam;
Vậy em có thể sử dụng reflection để truy cập các field như sau:
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Create an instance of the class
AdminLoginByAccountRequestData requestData = new AdminLoginByAccountRequestData();
requestData.username = "Hello";
requestData.password = "World";
// Get the type of the class
Type type = requestData.GetType();
// Get all fields of the class
FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
// Loop through the fields
foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
// Check if the field has the StringDataMemberAttribute
if (Attribute.IsDefined(field, typeof(StringDataMemberAttribute)))
StringDataMemberAttribute attribute = (StringDataMemberAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(StringDataMemberAttribute));
// Access the attribute properties
GNParameterCode parameterCode = attribute.parameterCode;
int minLength = attribute.minLength;
int maxLength = attribute.maxLength;
bool mustNotBeNull = attribute.mustNonNull;
Console.WriteLine($"Field: {field.Name} value: {field.GetValue(requestData)}");
Console.WriteLine($"ParameterCode: {parameterCode}");
Console.WriteLine($"MinLength: {minLength}");
Console.WriteLine($"MaxLength: {maxLength}");
Console.WriteLine($"MustNotBeNull: {mustNotBeNull}");